Gain access to our in-depth market knowledge and analytical expertise. We provide tailored solutions that meet complex investment needs.
Solutions for Institutionel Investors
Our investment strategies are designed to maximize returns and minimize risk through well-balanced portfolios.
Overview of our strategies
Extensive experience in investing in small and medium-sized enterprises in Denmark with clear growth potential
About Maj Invest Private Equity
Maj Invest Minorities invest in structural growth sectors leveraging our unique network of validated co-investors to source proprietary transactions
About Maj Invest Minorities
With more than ten years of expertise in financial inclusion across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, we have tackled real challenges and made a lasting impact on communities worldwide.
About Maj Invest Finanicial Inclusion
We aspire to invest, operate, and leverage our expertise as asset managers to address sustainability challenges, promote ethical practices, and generate long-term value for our stakeholders.
Read Maj Invest House View
At Maj Invest Asset Management, we utilize four ESG approaches: ESG exclusions, ESG integration, ESG thematic, and ESG impact.
Read our Responsible investment approach
We uphold transparency through our sustainability-related disclosures.
Access all sustainability disclosures here
Aligned with the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) focus areas of Maj Invest Group, we prioritize areas where we can make a genuine impact.
ESG in Danish Private Equity
ESG in Maj Invest Minorities
ESG in Financial Inclusion
Learn more about the Group, our organisation and management.
About Maj Invest
Annual reports, policies etc. for all Group entities.
Maj Invest Holding A/S
Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S
Maj Invest Equity A/S
We invest in partnerships in healthy and differentiated Danish SMEs where we can have an impact
Investments in Maj Invest Equity 4
Investments in Maj Invest Equity 5
Investments in MIE 6 Triple Bottom Line
List of exited investments in prior funds