Explore the Opportunities at Maj Invest
- Solutions for Institutional Investors
Asset Management
For decades, we have helped leading institutional investors in Denmark, Europe, and North America with investment solutions which have contributed to creating a good risk-adjusted return.
- Learn more about Maj Invest Minorities
Global Private Equity
We are a minority Private Equity & Venture Capital investor focused on investments in life science, technology, and energy transition companies, with a core focus on ESG.
We co-invest with validated partners in proprietarily sourced companies with high potential.
- Read our House View
Sustainability at Maj Invest
We aspire to invest, operate, and leverage our expertise as asset managers to address sustainability challenges, promote ethical practices, and generate long-term value for our stakeholders.
Maj Invest Group
The group’s main business areas include advisory services on listed securities through Maj Invest Asset Management and advisory services on unlisted investments through Maj Invest Equity.
The business areas have activities both in Denmark and internationally, extending services to institutional and professional clients in Denmark and abroad. Maj Invest Bank advises retail clients in Denmark on investment.
Maj Invest Asset Management provides advice on the composition of securities portfolios as well as management of listed stocks and bonds. The client base consists of institutional clients in Denmark as well as internationally.
In both stocks and bonds, both classic products and products focusing on climate-related investments are offered.
The products in Asset Management are offered both as discretionary management agreements and through the mutual fund Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest in Denmark as well as the international mutual fund Maj Invest Funds. Additionally, two investment funds in the USA are advised.
Within the business area of Asset Management, the Wealth Management department provides advice to wealthy clients, companies, and foundations.
Maj Invest Equity provides investment advice within both broad and specialised funds. Maj Invest Equity Denmark advises private equity funds primarily investing in unlisted stocks in Denmark. At year-end 2023, the private equity funds had ten companies in their portfolios.
Maj Invest Financial Inclusion advises three funds on investments in microfinance and financial inclusion in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. At year-end 2023, the funds had twelve companies in their portfolios.
Maj Invest Minorities advises two private equity funds with a broad focus on minority investments and the fund Maj Invest Energy Transition.
Maj Invest Bank provides advice to private customers on savings and investments. Maj Invest Bank offers knowledge-based advice rather than news-based, focusing on long-term economic relationships and broad financial and economic knowledge.
Kraka Economics is a socio-economic analysis firm with the aim of informing public debate and qualifying decisions with economic analyses.
Milestones for Maj Invest
Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S established. Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest (mutual fund) and first Danish private equity fund established.
Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest (mutual fund) shows three years of results. Is rated by Morningstar for the first time.
First microfinance private equity fund established.
Representation in London established and establishment of Maj Invest South America, Peru.
Maj Bank established. Second microfinance private equity fund established.
Private equity fund Maj Invest Equity 5 established.
Registration in the US (SEC) and with the authorities in Canada.
Company in India established related to microfinance.
Establishment of two investment funds in the US. Establishment of third private equity fund within microfinance and financial inclusion.
Establishment of the fund Grønne Obligationer (green bonds) in the mutual fund Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest.
Establishment of the fund Private Equity Minorities I. Authorisation as portfolio manager in four provinces in Canada.
Establishment of the fund Net Zero 2050 in the mutual fund Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest.
Establishment of the fund Maj Invest Energy Transition I.
Acquisition of Kraka Economics. Establishment og two ETF funds within AI & Semiconductor and Defence & Cybersecurity.

Executive Board and Board of Directors
See the executive board and board of directors for the various companies here:
Group Structure
Maj Invest Holding A/S is the parent company of the Maj Invest Group. A significant portion of the group's activities resides in Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S and Maj Invest Equity A/S. Additionally, the Maj Invest Group consists of Maj Invest Bank A/S, Kraka Economics A/S and a number of management companies related to the group's activities within the Private Equity business area.
Maj Invest Holding A/S
Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S
Asset management
Advisory services to professional clients on asset allocation and listed assets in Denmark and globally.
Investment funds
- Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest, Danmark
- Maj Invest Funds, Luxembourg
- Maj Invest Global Value Equities Fund LP, USA
- Maj Invest Collective Investment Trust, USA
Maj Invest Bank A/S
Investment advisory services to Danish retail clients through the platform Maj World.
Client groups
- Digital advisory services for clients with assets over DKK 100,000.
- Personal and individualised advisory servcies for clients with assets over DKK 1.5 million.
Maj Invest Equity A/S
Private Equity
Advisory services to private equity funds on investments in unlisted companies in Denmark and globally.
Business areas
- Danish private equity
- Minorities & Ventures
- Energy Transition
- Financial Inclusion
Kraka Economics A/S
Consultancy services
Socio-economic consultancy firm with the aim of informing public debate and qualifying decisions with economic analyses.