Maj invest billede

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This website has been prepared by Maj Invest Holding A/S, Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S and Maj Invest Equity A/S (“Maj Invest”) for information purposes only and is intended as a service and source of information to the user. The contents of this website are not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument.

The information, calculations, assessments and estimates of the website should not replace the user's own assessment of how to engage in transactions, and Maj Invest encourages all website users to seek investment advice before making any investment decisions whatsoever. Attention is brought to the fact that investments are associated with the risk of loss - a risk which cannot be established beforehand - and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

Maj Invest has been diligent in its effort to ensure that the content of this site is correct, true and fair. However, Maj Invest takes no responsibility neither for the correctness and sufficiency of the information given on this site nor that it presents a true and fair view. Moreover, Maj Invest cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage which arises or may arise as a result of use of information on the site.

This website is protected by the Danish Copyright Act and thus no part of it may be reproduced without permission from Maj Invest. Maj Invest holds all rights to the shown data, and any distribution or reproduction requires the prior approval of Maj Invest.

Birch image courtesy of Medford Taylor/NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC IMAGE COLLECTION/Getty Images. Any downloading, republication, retransmission, reproduction or other use of the birch image is strictly prohibited. 

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You can read more in our Data Processing Policy (se table above), which describes our processing of personal data and your rights.

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