Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S
CVR no. 2829 5499
Gammeltorv 18
DK-1457 Copenhagen K
T: +45 3338 7300
F: +45 3338 7310
Sustainability and Voting Behaviour
Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement
This declaration concerns Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S (LEI: 549300M1VQ0K5Z838B91) and applies to the reference period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. Maj Invest provides investment advisory services and portfolio management and is subject to elements of SFDR as a Financial Market Participant. Maj Invest offers mutual fund products.
Read full Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement
Sustainability Risk Policy
Responsible Investment Policy
Statement on Principal Adverse Impact
- Statement on Principal Adverse Impact 2023 - revised
- Statement on Principal Adverse Impact 2023
- Statement on Principal Adverse Impact 2022
Voting Policy
PRI - Public Full Transparency Report
Description of Voting Behaviour
General Policies
Order Execution Policy
Remuneration Policy
Data Processing Policy
Voting Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Diversity Policy
Instructions for Consideration of Complaints
Customer Information and Terms
General Terms & Conditions
Securities Trading Terms
Reports on Order Execution
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2023
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2022
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2021
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2020
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2019
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2018
- Report on Order Execution and Most Significant Execution Venues 2017
Capital structure and risks
Information on capital structure and risks of Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S (only in Danish)
Investor Relations & Markets
Maj Invest Markets has entered into a market maker agreement with the mutual fund Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest
Potential Conflicts of Interest
LD Equity 1 K/S owns more than 5% of Monberg & Thorsen A/S.
CEO of Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S Jeppe Christiansen is in the Board of Directors of Novo Holdings A/S, Kirkbi A/S, Topsoe A/S (chairman) and A/S United Shipping & Trading Company.
Registration outside Denmark
International excemption in Australia
Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S is registered as a foreign company (ARBN 615 341 574) under the Australian Corporations Act 2001 and is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence under Australian Securities and Investments Commission Instrument 16-0802 as amended by ASIC Instrument 20-0933 issued under section 911A(2)(l) of the Corporations Act 2001. It is regulated by the Danish Financial Supervision Authority under Danish laws, which differ from Australian laws.
International adviser exemption in Canada
Maj Invest has been granted registration as a Portfolio Manager under National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations. Pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 11-102 Passport System, the Ontario Securities Commission acts as Maj Invest’s principal regulator and its registration as a Portfolio Manager has also been approved in Alberta, Quebec and Saskatchewan pursuant to National Policy 11-204 - Process for Registration in Multiple Jurisdictions. Maj Invest’s NRD registration number is 59730.
Registration in USA
Fondsmæglerselskabet Maj Invest A/S is registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) with respect to its activities in the United States.
Registration with the SEC as an investment adviser should not be construed to imply that the SEC has approved or endorsed any Maj Invest company’s qualifications or the services it offers or that any Maj Invest company or its personnel possess a particular level of skill, expertise, or training.